The Art and Science of Mobility – Part 1

In the book 'The Modern Art and Science of Mobility', an approachable format is presented for maintaining functional movement capability. This series of blogs will give an outline of the book. There are combinations of movements and therapies contained in the book that will not be presented within this series of outlines.

A U M (OM): M

The A-U-M Chant, comprising the sounds A, U, and M, represents the beginning, middle, and end of a cycle, with M symbolizing the deep sleep state and the convergence of self and not self into mutual negation. The M sound gradually leads into silence, allowing for complete release into a void while maintaining awareness. This chant is self-sustaining and indicative of profound stillness. The M represents destruction and dissolution through Shiva and Parvati, who create, sustain, and dissolve the universe in eternal harmony.