

To Whomever it may concern,

Harold Rose taught general yoga classes in our facility once a week, approxi-mately 45 weeks per year, for four years.

Harold was very consistent in his teaching and class times. We had excellent communication concerning classes, students and any changes that needed to be made.

The students in Harold’s yoga class were very motivated by Harold and continued to be dedicated to his class until the week he left. He is sorely missed by his students and the entire facility.


Anji Knuth, Manager
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Community Yoga Austin

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to recommend Mr. Harold Rose. This I am delighted to do, as he has been an exemplary and delightful asset to our business, and I am confident whomever has the pleasure of working with him in the future will be better for it.

For the past six years, Mr Rose has been a model volunteer While working regular over night shifts at a full time job, he has consistently and reliably come in to offer classes to inmates at the Travis County Correctional Center. Working with the inmate population has its own challenges, but Mr Rose goes beyond them – and works not only with inmates, but with the most challenging populations: Psychiatric and Maximum security.

He has cultivated safe, respectful and meaningful relationships with his students, and they in turn appreciate and respect him. I myself have heard different students describe how they have benefitted from his teaching, and how they are grateful to see him when he arrives.

Community Yoga has gone through many changes and shifts in its infra-structure these past six years, and Mr Rose has never complained, or been anything less than professional, kind, and consistent.

Mr Rose has been a model of reliability, commitment, good nature, and skilled teaching.

Wherever he goes, those with whom he works are fortunate.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Sincerely yours,

Janet Farnsworth

Director, Rehabilitative Justice Program

Community Yoga Austin / Amala Foundation

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J.R., California — Tai Chi for rehabilitation

“I have to tell you that I really appreciated Harold Rose’s focus on me and my head injury. I am living with compromised muscular coordination and near loss of short term memory. My brain dysfunction is due to oxygen deprivation. I am glad that he was there to walk me through the first months of exercise: I was on a multi-trainer post-rehabilitation program. Harold’s focus was to assist me in re-establishing musculo-motor neural control and functioning.

Harold and I worked with basic Tai Chi. He used the David Dorian-Ross Tai Chi Flow Motion format coupled with Yang (Tai Chi) Style bow and arrow stance/ward-off walking and Pa Qua/Iron Circle drills. He focused on the mental components of my mind/body connection.

Harold was not over bearing at all: his competent demeanor towards my rehabilitation gave me a reassured sense of hope. He was always smiling and understanding of my limitations, whether they existed or not! He always, gently, pressed forward to greater and better results of my body.

Everything seemed to be working out, as I picked up my pace; my balance and coordination improved under his supervision. I began to really notice this and I noticed a better self perception of what had happened to me. Things just rolled off of me easier the more exercise I got. My physical strength was returning, and I had a better attitude towards things around activities and me at home.

I still practice the stretching and balance exercises today, and he confirmed that it would be good to do the exercises on my own whenever I felt it was good.

I definitely have improved since those early days of my injury and a big part of it is due to people like Harold Rose.”

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Alison, Illinois — Recovering from childbirth

“I began my sessions with Harold after my second delivery of a child via a c-section. I had taken pre-natal yoga, and I wanted to increase my understanding of yoga postures and improve my flexibility. Harold not only helped me with my initial goals, but he was immensely helpful in explaining the impact of two surgeries on my abdominal muscles and helping me recover from my pregnancy and childbirth.

He put together a personal regimen to return strength to my core muscles.  As a result, I was able to lose all my baby weight and increase my overall physical confidence. I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been in. The benefits have been
multi-dimensional, too — because of the range of stretching Harold uses,  I have less tension in my neck and shoulders, saving me both pain and money from periodic massages I used to need to soothe the ache. Harold also identified that my breathing techniques were limiting my ability to expand  both my cardio and isometric exercises, and I am currently working to correct my technique so I can be more relaxed at rest and at play. Harold also advises me on nutrition and exercise, helping understand how to eat to have the best workout possible.

Harold is professional, punctual, and conscientious — he is always prepared, positive and easy to work with. His instruction is clear and his knowledge of yoga, martial arts, physiology, and other forms of exercise is vast.

My meeting up with Harold was the best thing I had done for myself in years. I would highly recommend him to anyone recovering from an injury or looking to improve their overall physical health, regardless of what level he or she is at.”

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Patricia, Illinois — Strength training for weight loss

“About two years ago, I lost 47 pounds from sensible eating and exercise plan, and I have maintained my exercise regimen since then. However, in the summer of 2003, I slacked off in my diet, and as a result, gained 20 of those pounds back. During the process of losing the weight I reached a plateau where I was not seeing the results I desired. In addition to that, I consider my body “pear shaped”, so I wanted to make my upper body more proportioned with my lower body.

I met Harold through a mutual friend and signed up as client for personal training. After working with Harold, I learned that I was not using proper form when performing weight bearing exercises, and that the amount of weight I was using was not challenging enough to get the results I was looking for. He also helped with my flexibility and my balance, which was an added bonus. After working with Harold, along with his continued guidance while performing exercises on my own, I lost 10 pounds and inches in my arms, waist, hips and thighs. I also developed my upper body, so now I look more proportioned.

I felt very comfortable working with Harold. He was very thorough in explaining and demonstrating the exercises so I could achieve my goals and perform them properly so there would be no injury.

It was a pleasure working with Harold and I highly recommend him as a personal trainer.”

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Robin, Illinois — Yoga practitioner

“I have been a yoga student of Harold Rose for over five years. Harold has helped me achieve a stronger, more flexible body and a more focused mind.  I leave each class feeling both relaxed and invigorated, much like the feeling one gets after a great massage. But in this case, there is also the satisfaction of personal achievement — that I have, with Harold’s help, worked to gain a deeper knowledge of my physical and spiritual self.

Harold’s classes are well-constructed to lead to deeper self-knowledge. While maintaining an invigorating and challenging flow, Harold gives you time to relax, breathe, and explore each pose. I have been amazed at how a few simple cues or a subtle repositioning of alignment have shown me the direction I need to go.

Harold makes the effort in each class to get to know his students and their needs. His highly specific instructions, combined with his in-depth knowledge of anatomy and extensive collection of yoga poses, lets each student work to achieve their potential. There is no sense of boredom with Harold’s varied sequences; there is always something new to learn. And, beyond the physical achievement of each class, Harold provides food for the soul at the end with his
thoughtfully chosen readings.

I highly recommend Harold Rose as a yoga instructor. His classes help me face mid-life’s challenges with strength and grace.”

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Gary, Nebraska — Exercising since retirement

“I have taken Harold’s yoga class for three years. It has improved my flexibility and my strength.

I think we are fortunate to have Harold in our community. You could not find a better instructor. He has the skill and experience to teach yoga anywhere.

Yoga can benefit anyone, at any age, of any gender — and at any fitness level.”

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